corey's research topic
for my project, i'm studying the relationship between storytelling and music in the joe heaney, bobby casey, andy mcgann 1950s(ish) era. i know that there is a storytelling tradition, and that it has its own performance pracice like that of the music, some of both we have touched on in class discussions. i think it would be fascinating examine how players choose certain stories to go with specific tunes, or songs, to create the mood they want to convey, and then how each different performer chooses which story for which song, or tune, and how they differ from each other. i'm mostly looking for recordings right now in my stage of research, but also can't resist looking at anything that appears promising.
Overall, very good. However, I think you need to build in a formal thesis statement; e.g., "In this presentation I will study the relationship between music and storytelling, drawing specifically from the lives and music of certain key players in the 1950s. I expect to discover direct connections between musical and storytelling content, and to find patterns in the criteria by which certain players linked certain stories and certain songs."
Or something like that.
be fascinating examine how players choose certain stories to go with specific tunes, or songs, to create the mood they want to convey, and then how each different performer chooses which story for which song, or tune, and how they differ from each other. i'm mostly looking for recordings right now in my stage of research, but also can't resist looking at anything that appears promising.
i see a connection between my research topic and michelle's and kelli's. we are all comparing music and storytelling together and how they relate to one another in one form, or another.
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