Friday, March 03, 2006

Research Topic

I plan to research the way that Irish music has made use of the legendary Sidhe. I plan to examine the texts of songs and the titles of instrumental tunes, as well as what the musicians think the tunes mean. Dr. Smith said something in the comments on my topic proposal about a tune called "The Gold Ring" and Seamus Ennis and Tommy Potts having interesting stories about its origin, so I will definitely be looking at that. Also, to get enough evidence and support for my paper, I'm going to need to look at stories that exist about the effect the Sidhe had on music. I found some references to sources in the Readings Packet (Glassie Introduction) that should be helpful, as well.

I will probably be using the TTU Library for most of my research. I also have been grabbing books in book stores for awhile...most of which have song texts in them...and I plan to use those as well. For the tunes, I will be listening to recordings and reading liner notes.

This will also tie in to my performance project.