Thursday, April 20, 2006


Shannon and I were discussing the issue of *packing* yesterday evening and thought to share this idea.

Ladies: I know there are some of you who absolutely can not "survive" for two weeks without a hair dryer or hair straightener. Shannon and I propose that we collaborate with eachother so that we bring 3 or 4 of each on the trip (along with appropriate voltage adapters....roughly $7 last time I checked) and share them. It seems that since we are all going to be having lots-of-girls-using-the-same-bathroom fun for at least a small portion of the trip...we will be able to "get by" with the lots-of-girls-using-the-same-appliances method. We use this on band trips and it works fine.

If you have a hair straightener or hair dryer that you wouldn't mind bringing on the trip and sharing with a ton of people (or fitting it in your bag), reply to this message with your name and the appliance(s) you are willing to bring. After everyone is done replying, I will either send you an email or tell you in person if you'll need to bring it or not. No one will have to bring more than one appliance unless they really want to.