Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Sample questions/topics for our seminar guest


As mentioned on WebCT email, I am asking you each to be prepared with 1 question or topic you'd like to hear addressed by our seminar guest, Dr Nat. Please refer to that email for details about his background, and then frame questions similar or related to those examples below:

  • You grew up on the Shankill Road in Belfast in the post-WWII period. How did most people make a living? Where did your relatives work?
  • What sorts of music and other folklore did you encounter as a child? In what settings or from what sources?
  • In America we often have heard stories about the "Troubles" and the difficult relationships between Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland, but can you give us a more nuanced or personal description?
  • What do you look for when you pick a song to sing? Are there certain topics, types of songs, or situations which you prefer?
  • Are your perspectives about "back home in Ireland" any different after having lived in the US for so many years?
[Et cetera...]


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